26 April 2024

Custom and Self Build Market Report from NaCSBA 2023-24

By Self Build Zone

The NaCSBA report outlines the existing legislative, policy, and guidance framework that supports custom and self-build initiatives in England and the rest of the UK, along with the policy priorities for NaCSBA. NaCSBA continues to advocate for owner-commissioned homes to government, industry, and broader organizations, addressing related issues such as the Competition and Markets Authority’s review of housebuilding and Biodiversity Net Gain.

The document provides insights through evaluations of processes and activities that improve practices, including recent planning appeals concerning custom and self-build registers and an analysis of Graven Hill’s initial decade, offering lessons to enhance the growth of custom and self-build approaches. Additionally, the report comprehensively examines various custom-build models and definitions.

Regarding data, it presents an analysis of new research that includes the aspirations and expectations of prospective builders, information on the Right to Build registers, and the economic and energy advantages of constructing owner-commissioned homes compared to typical market-built housing. It also covers findings from NaCSBA’s Business Confidence Survey.

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